A18Y (2).png

▉ Original 016 ▉ Half-length photo stock (66P)

▉ Original 016 ▉ Half-length photo stock (66P)

This article was last edited by htmlavmm on 2023-4-10 18:06

Exposed pictures will lose their facial age. Check the age of the picture to make sure you are over 18 years old (each picture has an age attached)

Clean up the stock photos a little bit, luckily I have this sticker board, otherwise I would be too lazy to sort them out.

Tomorrow I will reinstall the computer and make it special for AI drawing. I hope to move towards the 40 graphics card series by the end of the year or next year.

AI drawing is really interesting. Recently, there is new technology that can fine-tune expressions so that they are no longer so single. I will study it when I have time.

In addition, I also communicate and share on some DCs, and also make models, links, and organize information in some GOOGLE documents. In the future, my life and leisure will be all about AI drawing.

The following are all original pictures. Anyone who plays SD can feed the picture information. I also often share spells on the model website, hoping to promote the three-dimensional real girl pictures.

A18Y (2).png

A18Y (3).png

A18Y (4).png

A18Y (5).png

A18Y (6).png

A18Y (7).png

A18Y (8).png


A19Y (2).png

A19Y (3).png

A19Y (4).png

A19Y (5).png

A19Y (6).png

A19Y (7).png


A20Y (2).png

A20Y (3).png

A20Y (4).png

A20Y (5).png

A20Y (6).png


A21Y (2).png

A21Y (3).png

A21Y (4).png

A21Y (5).png

A21Y (6).png

A21Y (7).png

A21Y (8).png

A21Y (9).png

A21Y (10).png

A21Y (11).png


A22Y (2).png

A22Y (3).png

A22Y (4).png

A22Y (5).png

A22Y (6).png


C19Y (2).png


C20Y (2).png

C20Y (3).png

C20Y (4).png

C20Y (5).png

C20Y (6).png

C20Y (7).png

C20Y (8).png


C21Y (2).png

C21Y (3).png

C21Y (4).png

C21Y (5).png

C21Y (6).png

C21Y (7).png

C21Y (8).png

C21Y (9).png

C21Y (10).png

C21Y (11).png

C21Y (12).png


C22Y (2).png

C22Y (3).png

C22Y (4).png

C22Y (5).png

C22Y (6).png


Seal 16.jpg


▉ 原創016 ▉ 半身照庫存 (66P)

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